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How Tactile Experiences Such as Writing Can Help Foster Creativity

Updated: Apr 19, 2023

Tactile experiences help foster creativity but it’s important to know exactly why these physical experiences can have such an impact. Scientific studies show the hands have a direct and powerful connection with the brain which explains why hands-on experiences can influence creativity. However, there is much more to this topic than that and in this article, I want to explain why a tactile experience such as writing an outline can help in the creation process.

Girl writing in a notebook overlooking the water

The Importance of Tactile Experiences

”Tactile” is often used to describe experiences which are perceptible by touch. They usually involve tangible items and another way to explain the meaning of this word is to say that tactile experiences are “lived” rather than” observed”.

Let’s take the experience of reading a book as an example.

The purpose of a book is to persuade, to entertain and to inform. Paper books are designed in such a way that they demand focus, but ebooks tend to distract the reader. That is to say, the phone or device on which you are reading an ebook is sure to do this sooner or later. There is also a physical weight to a real book which imparts a sense of realness and a feel and texture which is simply impossible to experience with an ebook of any kind. As for connection and emotional investment - a paper book wins hands-down!

But how might we summarise what separates these two experiences?

Reading a paper book can be described as a tactile experience.

In the case of comparing a paper book and an ebook, you might say the first experience is lived and the latter involves observing words on a screen. It is perhaps fair to also say that a book can evoke stronger feelings than an ebook and convey a more satisfying, memorable, and relatable story to the reader.

And reading a paper book is merely an example of a tactile experience.

A Tactile Experience: Writing Thoughts and Ideas in a Journal

I write down my thoughts and ideas in a journal instead of typing them on my computer. This process feels very intentional and helps me be more careful with how I think and what I write. This is also the same reason why writing a plan or outline can help stimulate creation and bring about ideas which might not come about without the writing process. There is also the fact that writing down ideas or plans can breathe life into a project and make it a reality.

If you think about it, this is the reason why startups are encouraged to write a business plan and why therapists suggest patients to keep a journal of their progress. In fact, this ability to touch and arrange is also the inspiration behind a framework card deck that I am creating to help foster creativity but more on this another time! The main point I want to drive home right now is that tactile experiences simply cannot be replicated and here’s another five reasons to explain why…

1. Tactile Experiences Nurture Patience

Digital versions of courses, books or experiences are designed for convenience. While they can try to offer all the same benefits as a tangible experience, they can rarely live up to the tasks. One of the reasons for this is because a tactile experience is usually slower and more concentrated on a single lie of thought. This requires one to deploy patience and studies show every creative mind relies on this trait as they await inspiration for new ideas.

2. You Must Stay Fully Engaged with a Tactile Experience

Tactile experiences connect in such a way that they require the individual to engage in deep work. The Shallows by Nicholas Carr centres around a point that online experiences cannot engage people in the same way and that physical experiences are necessary for deep work. After all, there is usually no room for distractions or half-hearted effort when the mind and body is fully engaged in an activity. Let’s talk a bit more about distractions…

3. Lived Experiences Can Take Place Away from Distractions

Tactile experiences can take place away from distractions and this includes devices, emails, and Wi-Fi. That said, all the people you’ve ever known are also “designed to distract” you from all the things that you might want to think, say, and do! Either way, it’s often necessary to remove yourself from distractions to learn and find space to think about this process as it is happening.

4. The Serendipitous Nature of Tactile Experiences

People often stumble across their best ideas when they least expect it. The wonder and unpredictable nature of life means there is always a serendipitous aspect to tactile experiences. In other word, when you are out doing thing in the real world, you are more likely to stumble across new places, people, and perspectives that would remain unknown if it were not for the experience. This serendipity is a great companion for creativity and inspiration at the very least.

5. Tactile Experiences Help with Mental Mapping

Tactile experiences are multi-dimensional and better enable a creative mind to build a mental map of a new idea. The mind also tends to gravitate toward physical illustrations when we try to comprehend something new. A tangible experience can help a creative mind “see” more effectively. Mental mapping is much harder when there is too much to imagine about an idea.

Final Thoughts

Tactile experiences really matter because people need to experience complexities and nuances to properly understand any given situation. These lived experiences not only provide clarity and knowledge but also reason to take risks and explore new perspectives that might inspire new ideas. Writing down thoughts and ideas is a proven aid for the creative mind and a good example of how tactile experiences can help foster creativity.

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